Since 2020 we have had to institute major changes in the way Marsha Phoenix Memorial Trust operates due to the Coronavirus, and although most of those changes have not been easy, the results have been great. Our service carries on as efficiently as ever, and we are serving our residents as well as before. On the staffing side, we have also begun a new phase of major change because our director of the last twenty years, Rebecca Long, is leaving MPMT to begin a new chapter in her life in the north of England. Rebecca has been a tower of practical positivity for us here, and we are going to miss her very much. Stepping in to her role are not one, but two people. Our new Operational Manager is Donna Lewis, who has already made a welcome impact on our staff relations. Taking care of everything else and working with all our partners is our new Director, Denise Ifield. It's wonderful to welcome them to our team, and we feel ready for whatever 2022 brings.